Our story

We believe that leadership is the single most important factor in determining success.

Leadership is a much discussed topic in the world today, and for good reason: we lead by example whether we intend to or not.

We are all different in many different ways; LEADiversity exists to activate the leader within every individual that we work with. Too many training initiatives rest on the assumption that one size fits all and that the same group of skills or style of leadership is appropriate regardless of strategy, culture, or mandate.

From our very first conversation with you about any leadership initiative, we ask one simple question: “what, precisely, is this program for?” and then we commit to delivering a program that meets your needs and achieves your outcomes. We are passionate about developing leaders who can harness their individual power to achieve great results, today and into the future.

LEADiversity programs will take participants further than they have ever been before in their leadership journey and skill them for the demands of leadership roles today and in to the future.

Our network of dynamic facilitators are skilled at delivering leadership courses and are expert at activating the leadership capability within our program participants.

Based throughout Australia, we have extensive regional, CBD and international experience across a range of business disciplines. Whether you are in Melbourne, Sydney, Wagga Wagga or Broome, we can deliver leadership training programs across Australia.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” - Anais Nin